5 Mildly Dislikable Female Characters | Book LIST

Hi there 👋 ! Today, whether the dislike for the character was almost instant or gradually...we will be indulging you with five female book characters that we are not really fond off. In no particular order - here are our unfortunate😉 picks. [We put links to the Goodreads profile of the books mentioned down below]... Continue Reading →

WE’RE BACK and The Little Prince By Antoine de Saint-Exupéry | Book REVIEW

Hello, our lovelies. Our absence has been an eternity (not really…but yeah a long time it has been). And we have finally returned. During our absence we have been busy growing up. Adulthood has bought on many responsibilities, pressure and all things not nice. The focus of our lives turned to studying, work and socialising... Continue Reading →

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief #1 By Rick Riordan | Book REVIEW

4/5 stars Synopsis: Half boy. Half god. All Hero.  Rick Riordan presents to you a thrilling adventure on greek mythology, following a young teen, called Percy Jackson on his crazy mission to the underworld. Now it's not like Percy doesn't want to do well in school. It's just that he is very very unlucky. Perhaps his... Continue Reading →

Creation of TwinBookmarks

This is our Humble beginnings. Our very first commitment to the world of writing. Better to start now than never we guess. Oh and have fun guessing which one of us is writing. Maybe one day you'll see the differences in our writing styles. We are IDENTICAL twins. Before anyone asks, Tanya is older (by... Continue Reading →

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